
Top 20 League of Legends Champions

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Leon: Hello DA, Wolf-Prince-Leon here, or as known as League of Legends od LeonMcCloud, recently I've try the Game and it's actually pretty good with in-depth strategy, and for the topic of hte this countdown, a wide selection of Champions to choose from. So I'm counting down the 20 best, with some runner-ups, but As a noob at the game, i call in some back-up.

Leon: this is Bored-out-of-my-head, Aka Watarara, He, along with theamc2000 and Regulus58 help my put this list together, but, I was hoping they would help explain why each champion deserves their spot on this list. Anyway, one thing, First There are a handful of good champions that didn't make the Cut, so Champs like Annie, Miss Fortune, Ryze, Garen, Jinx, Catlynn, and Skarner will not be on the list. Let's get started

Number 20

Xin Zhao, the Seneschal of Demacia

this was another intering champion with great gameplay and Backstory, let's start with the later.

Xin Zhao, before joining the League was a prisoner of Noxus forced to fight in a gladitorial event called the Fleshing, prisoners would fight once a day, with the number of opponents faced at once increasing with each win. Xin Zhao was at 300 when jarvin the second rescued him. in gratitude, Xin Zhao became the personal guardian to the Demacian Royalty, now serving Jarvin the third, and Fellow League Champion, Jarvin the Fourth.

Xin Zhao is mainly played as a jungler,but also can be played in the top lane, his main strengths are ganking with his dash and crowd control abilities.  He excells well into the late game by building damage and/or tanky.

Number 19

Katarina, the Sinister Blade

Sworn rival to Garen, the Might of Demacia, Katarina is an assasin of the highest calibur.

This Girl as born with prodigetic knack for combat and bloodshed. Katarina was trained to be an assasin by the best, including her own father. She proved herself to be the best with the assasination of not one, but TWO Demacian generals. The League quickly caught wind of her prowess, and soon she was a league champion, fighting on nearly a daily basis.

Katarina is a mage assasin.  She is best used to dive for a target that your team wants dead first.  She has a warp ability and three damage abilities that hit multiple targets.  She cannot survive if she is hit with crowd control abilities like stuns or silences.

Number 18

Talon, The Blade's Shadow

Talon as the first champ i got to know before ever coming close to playing LOL.

An Assasin with no memory, he just kept killing. Befoe long he was allied with Katarina and her family, and he's been with them ever since. when general De Coutaeu vanished, Talon considered reclaiming his freedom, but he had gained immense respect from Du Couteau after years in his service. He became obsessed with tracking down the general's whereabouts. Talon's suspicions led him to the doors of the Institute of War, where he joinedthe League of Legends in order to find those responsible for Du Couteau's disappearance.

Talon is much like Katarina but is based of physical damage rather than spells.  He is best used to counter strong magic users in lane by shutting them down and not letting them get strong.

Number 17

Vayne, the Night Hunter

This is actually a rather interesting Champion.

Born a Demacian Noble, her life was ruined when a deranged witch killed her family, with her bearely escaping, mentally scared, and developing an immense hatred. After training herself into a grim warrior. She Joined the League to purge it of those corrupt by dark magic.

Vayne is a Marksman, also known as an AD (attack or physical damage) carry.  Her early game is very weak like most ranged AD carries but can be a much bigger threat in the late game.  she is one of the few ranged AD carries with their own form of crowd control and escape.  She is mainly used to burst down targets one at a time.

Number 16

Varus, The Arrow of Retribution

This guy has some confusing history.

Born as a warden for a corrupt Ionian temple, Varus held his head up high until Noxus invaded Ionia. He saved the temple, but lost everything everything else, his family included, leaving him with regret, hatred, and out for hte blood of every noxion invader.

Varus is another ranged adc like vayne, but his playstyle is a little different than vayne.  He has more AOE (area of effect) moves that hit multiple targets.  his ultimate allows him to snare an entire team unless they split up (and make themselves more vulnerable in the process)

Number 15

Riven, The Exile

Now here's something different.

Riven was Noxian warrior raised at birth into a deadly warrior, keeping herself going with strong Beliefs and Conviction. But when she is betrayed and nearly killed by Singed, She vowed to seek atonement for her sins and to brign to life the Noxion vision she held dear.

Riven is a very strong melee top laner.  She doesn't rely on mana and thus can stay in her lane until she gets low on health or wants to buy items.  she has a total of four dashes that can put her in position, a stun, a shield, a knock up, and a ranged execute ability wrapped up in only four moves.

Number 14

Teemo, The Swift Scout

I don't know why everyone hates this little guy.

Born as a yordle unique from his kin, Teemo was a prodigy, able to solo missions with ease, but being two-faced, a A saint to friends but a demon to enemies. His amazing success record eventually landed him a spot in the Legend. (Where now everyone seems to have it out for the little guy)

Teemo is a champion that has no set playstyle.  Many can build him tanky and go to top lane, a bursty mage that deals ubsurdly amounts of damage, or a great adc duelist.  he can even support or jungle if you play it right.  But the main strategy for most of these roles is one thing and one thing only. Shrooms!  his ultimate places down an explosive mushroom trap. that when walked apon, explodes into a poisinous gas that slows and reveals an enemy.  teemos can have upwards to 20 mushrooms at any given time on the battlefield.

Number 13

Jayce the Defender of Tomorrow.

This guy is a very interesting character, being futuristic and powerful.

Jayce is from Piltover, the city of Progress, working towards the benefit of mankind. When Viktor, the Machine Herald, stole a powerful fuel source from Jayce, putting piltover in danger, the inventor.. weel, invited, the bad boy that is the Mercury Hammer.

After Defeating Viktor's gang (Though forced to destroy the fuel source), Piltover recognized Jayce as a hero, and he wasn't going to let his home down.

Jayce is played in the top lane as a bruiser.  He is meant to be tanky and deal damage at the same time.  He also excells at poking enemy champions down and assassinating or disrupting opponents.

Number 12

Thresh, The Chain Warden

This guy is borderline Horror movie levels for creepy AND scary. The first paragraph of his lore is ALL you need to know to understand this guy, backstory wise:

Thresh is a twisted reaper whose hungry chains ensnare the souls of the living. A moment's hesitation at the sight of his ghostly visage and there is no escape. He leaves in his wake hollow corpses, their souls ripped loose and trapped in the sickly green light of his lantern. The Chain Warden takes sadistic joy in tormenting his victims, both before and after their deaths. His grim task is never complete, and he stalks the land for ever more resolute spirits to unravel.

Thresh is a support character that shares a lane with the ADC (attack damage carry).  His moveset allows him to move himself, teamates, and opponets along the battlefield.  his passive allows him to collect souls from defeated minions and champions. every soul gets him more magic damage and armor. making him scale into the late game by only picking up souls.

Number 11

Zed, The Master of Shadows

Bout time we had a proper Ninja on this list.

Zed was an Orphan, trained by a great ninja master alongside Shen, the Eye of Twilight, who was the Master's son. The two were equals til Shen unleashed forbidden, dark techniques that got him exiled.

Zed soon returned with his own Army, claiming the temple and the dark secrets, killing Shen's father and most of his students, and ruling as the leader of the Order of Shadows, aiming to perfect techniques, and kill no believers.

Zed is generally used in the mid lane, top lane, or jungle.  his strengths (as a ninja) is assassinating priority targets so that they don't pose a threat to the rest of your team.  His strong suits is going into other lanes and quickly killing an enemy before they have a chance to react.

Number 10

Wukong, The Monkey King

The Monkey King, this is the 20th character in media i've seen that uses that Premise.

The warrior was the unintended result of an attempt to magic monkeys immortal. (Try and Wrap your brain around that one.) After wanding northward, Wukong, known as Kong at the time, ran into Master Yi, the Wuju Bladesman.

Learning about the Legend, Kong convinced Yi to teach him, and get him into the Legend. Yi complied, and then the day came when Wukong joined the League as a Wuju Warrior.

Wukong can either go into the top lane as a bruiser, or be in the mid lane and act more like zed.  His clone ability allows him to leave a clone behind while he walks away invisible. this also lets him 'stop' moving and trick the opponents into thinking that he himself is the clone.  he is a very tricky champion but underestimating or overestimating your abilities could easily get you killed in lane.

Number 9

Xerath, The Magus Ascendant

I can't paraphrase or summarize this guy's Lore, you gotta read this for yourself:

In the ancient civilization of Shurima, the mage called Xerath practiced magic with undying passion. He believed that with enough magical power, he could gaze into the heart of Runeterra to know the secrets of history and the universe beyond. Such magic was beyond the limitations of a mortal body, but Xerath obsessively pursued a path to infinite power nonetheless. With every breakthrough he grew more and more powerful, yet not without consequence. Xerath's increasing arcane abilities wrought havoc on his physical form. Desperate, he undertook a dangerous ritual to transcend his dying body. The outcome would be immortality or self-destruction. Violent magic unleashed during the ritual caused devastation throughout Shurima, but when the dust settled, Xerath emerged as an ascended being of pure arcane energy.

Free of flesh and bone, Xerath held nearly infinite power at his command. However, in the wake of his chaotic ritual, the mages of Shurima feared his careless disregard for life would bring ruin to the kingdom. After a terrible struggle they subdued Xerath, but they could not destroy his ascended form. Instead they trapped him within an enchanted sarcophagus and sealed him in an underground tomb. Eons passed, civilizations rose and fell, and Xerath's imprisonment was lost to memory. For centuries, Xerath's vast power tore away at the sarcophagus and weakened its spell. Finally, he willed forth a burst of magic that shattered his prison, but its core remained, containing Xerath and his power within its broken pieces. Seeking to rid himself of this burden, he was drawn to the magic of Valoran's nexuses and found he could absorb their power. Yet the nexuses had gatekeepers: petty mages known as summoners. Xerath knew his key to true freedom from his prison lay in gaining their trust, and he offered his power to the League of Legends.

Xerath is the artillery mage that brings enemies down from as far range as possible.  He can easily assassinate low health targets off screan with his long range.  

Number 8

Vladimir, The Crimson Reaper

Oh boy, I hate Blood themed character... this is another Champ that can not have his Lore Summarized or shortened.

There is a temple hidden in the mountains between Noxus and the Tempest Flats, where the secrets of an ancient and terrifying sorcery are kept. The area surrounding the temple is littered with the exsanguinated corpses of those who have mistakenly wandered too close. These served only to pique the curiosity of Vladimir, when – in his youth – he trekked through these mountains during his flight from Noxus. A day earlier, the teenaged Vladimir had brutally murdered two boys of his age, for no better reason than to enjoy the intoxicating scarlet bloom that surged forth. He realized immediately that he would never be able to suppress his murderous desires, and if he remained in Noxus, his foul deeds were sure to catch up with him. Without hesitation, he abandoned the city-state, and journeyed south.
The trail of bodies led him to a crumbling stone temple. Inside he found an aging monk who appraised him with eyes of pure crimson. Vladimir surprised the monk by returning the wicked gaze with zeal. Recognizing the boy’s sinister craving, the monk taught Vladimir how to manipulate and control the fluid of life, often practicing on passing travelers. When it came time for Vladimir to learn the final lesson, the monk warned that failure would result in death. Vladimir did not fail, but success bore a grisly surprise. During the ritual, every drop of the monk’s blood was drawn from his body and fused with Vladimir’s, imbuing him with his master's magical essence, and that of every hemomancer before him. Left alone and suddenly without purpose, Vladimir resolved to return to Noxus, demanding enrollment in the League to prove the supremacy of his craft. When the NoxianHigh Command observed the gruesome fates which befell the palace guards, they elected to avail themselves of Vladimir's unsavory talents.

Vladimir is a terror in the game, but only if he can get ahead.  his abilities allow him to constantly farm minions for gold and regenerate his own health by dealing damage to enemies.  late game he can turn even the worst teamfights into a victory if played correctly.

Number 7

Sona, Maven of the Strings

Now here's a great Champion.

Sona was mute that was left at the doorstep of an orphanage in Ionia along with a magic instrument called the etwahl. Attempts to sell the etwahl ended in failure, and Sona seemed to be the only one the item would ever accept. overtime, Sona learned to create beautiful music by converting her emotions into sound. She joined the league because apparently it was the only place which could offer her a fitting recital.

Sona is a great support that is easy to learn and use, but experienced sona's can terrorize your enemies.  She is able to stun the entire enemy team if she is allowed to.  and her early game poke can bring down enemy health bars easily.  just watch out for mana problems.

Number 6

Lee Sin, The Blind Monk

Bored showed me why this deserved this spot high up here.

Lee Sin originally sought the role of the Summoner, not the Champion, and was close to achieve the position. However, things changed after a failed Summoning. After said failure, despite getting praises from the summoners, Lee was riddled with guilt and Regret.

Hoping to atone for his failure, Lee set himself ablaze as a protest of the Noxian occupation of Ionia. He remained alive in this state, enduring searing agony for weeks. His actions paved the way for a League match wherein Ionia prevailed, but by the time he was doused, his eyes had been burned completely from their sockets. Hailed as a savior, he was reborn, and his will to act invigorated. He joined the League of Legends to continue his atonement with sweat and blood, a true monk's only possessions.

Lee Sin is a very diverse champion with seven effective moves instead of the usual four.  his first three moves have a second activation that you can use after the first one.  Lee sin has two 'jump/dash' abilities, a shield, an area of effect damage, area of effect slow, life steal (gain health from basic attacks), spell vamp (gain health from using spells), an execute (deals more damage the lower health your target is), and a high damage knock back.  if played correctly he can dive around teams and deal tons of damage.

Number 5

Twisted Fate, The Card Master

It's rare to find a good gypsy character, not since The hunchback of Notre Dame have
I seen a gypsy be well portrayed.

Twisted Fate started out on the street, before being able to gamble his way to prosperity as a card shark in the seedy underground gambling circuits of Demacia and Noxus. However, the Rogue Longed for the power to control magic. When Twisted Fate learned of an experiment being conducted in Zaun that might help him with his wish, he did the only thing a gambler of his worth could do - he went all in and volunteered for the experiment.

Conducted by the infamous Dr. Xavier Rath, Twisted Fate was told that the wager for such participation might be steep. He might change forever, or nothing might happen, or he might die horribly. Pain, however, was likely a part of the deal no matter the outcome. These were hardly the worst odds the gambler had faced; his hopes raised, Twisted Fate underwent the experiment, enduring what he must for a chance at his dream. Then, it ended - with seemingly no effect whatsoever. The gypsy rogue flew into a murderous rage, but, before he could strike down the team, he suddenly teleported himself miles away. With a sly grin, he realized his luck had won out yet again. He now brings his luck and rakish charm to the Institute of War, where he is the champion of choice for many - especially the gambling kind. To this day, Twisted Fate has avoided his inevitable reunion with Dr. Rath. The Card Master knows, however, that a confrontation is coming.

Twisted Fate is an easy champion to learn, a very difficult one to master.  He is a spell damage oriented champion whose main strength is his teleport ability.  his ultimate allows him to teleport a great distance.  this used with his damaging spells lets him be one of the best assassins and burst mages in the game.

Number 4

Amumu, the Sad Mummy.

This little mummy's lore is enough to make a first time reader cry.

The Yordle woke up in a pyramid, Mummified with no memories of his former Life. The only connection to his past was an Unshakable feeling that he missed his parents, not even knowing who they were. He joined the League, hoping they'd have the answers OR, at the very least, some other outcast that he could call a friend.

But making a friend was not an option, a strange magic bound to the child causes Amumu to project an Aura of depression. When near amumu, other with feel miserable. So other champions kept their distance, leaving Amumu all alone, again.

Amumu is a jungler.  as the jungler you kill monsters in the forrest for experience and gold rather than minions in a lane.  But one of the jobs as the jungler is to go into ally lanes and 'gank' the enemy.  His long range stun, percent of health damage, his damage burst, large area of effect snare and damage bring a great terror to the enemies... and one of his damage sources is him crying :C

Poor Amumu... I plan to be more than your summoner, I'll be your friend too.

Number 3

Master Yi, the Wuju Bladesman.

This is my best Champion right now. Here's his full Lore:

Through the ancient martial art of Wuju, Master Yi tempered his body and sharpened his mind until thought and action became one. Though he chooses to enter into violence as a last resort, the grace and speed with which he wields his blade ensures resolution is always swift. As the last living practitioner of Wuju, Master Yi has devoted his life to finding able pupils to carry on the legacy of his lost people.

Even before Yi mastered Wuju, he was considered one of the most skilled practitioners of the mystical martial art. He would soon prove his mastery when word of a massive Noxian invasion reached his remote village. Yi swept across the battlefields of Ionia, turning back the tide of Noxus's vast infantry with swift and deadly strikes, much to the embarrassment of the Noxian High Command. Recognizing the threat the Wuju disciples posed to their invasion, the Noxians chose to unleash a nightmarish chemical attack on the home of the deadly art. Those who somehow survived the poisonous concoction had their minds twisted beyond repair. Yi's home was left in ruin.

At the war's conclusion, Yi returned to the grotesque remains of his village. There he became the attack's final casualty. Slain in spirit, if not in body, Yi clung to the only feeling left within his heart: vengeance. Driven only by his desire to punish those who'd destroyed his home, Yi spent years training in seclusion. He became a deadlier swordsman than he had ever been, but true mastery of Wuju still eluded him.

At the height of Yi's frustration, a  monkey of unusually noble bearing interrupted his training. Standing as straight and tall as a man, the monkey watched and mimicked Yi's movements. Yi shooed the monkey away, but the agile creature took great amusement in turning Yi's own techniques against him. Gradually, Yi felt his anger subside as he sparred with the playful animal, and when the burden of his hatred had fully lifted, he found he had caught the monkey by his tail. Yi then understood that he would never master Wuju so long as he pursued it for vengeance, and as he let go of the monkey, he also released his desire to shed his enemy's blood.

Yi thanked the monkey for showing him what he'd been blind to, and was surprised when the creature actually replied. He wished to learn Yi's art of fighting. It was an odd request, but through it Yi saw his new path: the way to honor the memory of his lost people was to pass their teachings on to a new generation.

Master Yi is a jungler or top lane character.  He is a champion that doesn't fit every team composition, but when he fits he is able to quickly destroy entire teams.  His main weakness is if he gets stunned or snared.  while slows generally don't affect him in the slightest.

Number 2

Orianna, the Lady of Clockwork.

Here's an interesting character, One worth giving the full lore.

There once was a Piltovian man named Corin Reveck who had a daughter named Orianna, whom he loved more than anything else in the world. Though Orianna had incredible talent for dancing, she was deeply fascinated by the champions of the League of Legends. This fascination compelled her to begin training to become such a champion. It is unfortunate that her sheltered, wide-eyed naivete led her to take unnecessary and dangerous chances which ultimately led to her tragic demise. Orianna's death shattered Corin, driving him into deep depression and an obsession with techmaturgy. He could not stand the void his daughter's death left in his life, so he decided to build a replacement – one that would complete Orianna's dream of joining the League. What was created is the clockwork killing machine that Corin named after his daughter. Knowing that she was destined to be a champion and seeing the way the times were changing, he created The Ball as her pet and protector. This nearly symbiotic creation uses a different type of techmaturgy, relying more heavily on electricity than clockwork.

Orianna and The Ball now fight as Champions in the League of Legends, using her sometimes misguided morality as a compass. She tries in earnest to fit in with those around her. However, no matter how hard she tries, Orianna can never be human and there is always something unnerving and alien about her. Though she attempts social interaction with other champions in the League of Legends, there are few who can get past her exotic nature. To many, it's as if there's nothing inside, that Orianna is just a soulless clockwork shell – a dangerous and deadly one at that. However, all along she remains the perfect daughter in her father's eyes.

Orianna is a farm mage.  She is meant to get as many minions as possible and get as much gold as she can before entering team fights and dealing damage to the entire enemy team.  Her moves are all centered around 'the ball' which is a small object that travels with orianna.  she can move 'the ball' away and towards teamates and enemies.  Good oriannas will dominate almost any opponent and leave them with almost nothing.

Now before getting to number 1, we have just a FEW more people to mention: The Runner-Up. The Following Eight Champions were each put into high consideration by at least one member of my team making this countdown, but were unlucky in making it to the list. But they deserve mention.

Wolf-Prince-Leon's Runner-ups

VoliBear, the Thunder's Roar.

Shen, the Eye of Twilight.

Regulus' Runner-ups

Warwick, the Blood Hunter.

Nasus, the Curator of the sands.

theamc2000's Runner-ups

Vi, The Piltover Enforcer

Quinn, Demacia's Wings

Bored-out-of-my-head's Runner-ups

Corki, the Daring Bombardier.

Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer.

Number 1

Anivia, the Cryophoenix

This was a Champion that all four of us loved, like with the top three thus far, here's her complete lore: (Bored prefers her previous lore over this one, but they changed it)

An eternal guardian, the Cryophoenix has held a solitary vigil over the Freljord for a thousand lifetimes. Sensing a growing corruption of the land itself, Anivia joins the Avarosan in the belief that a united Freljord can defeat the coming darkness.

Anivia is a being of the coldest winter, a mystical embodiment of ice magic, and an ancient protector of the Freljord. She commands all the power and fury of the land itself, calling the snow and bitter wind to defend her home from those who would harm it. A benevolent but mysterious creature, Anivia is eternally bound to keep vigil over the Freljordthrough life, death, and rebirth.

Anivia is as much a part of the Freljord as the never-ending frost. Long before mortals had ever set foot on the land's frigid tundra, she had lived countless lifetimes and died as many deaths. The beginnings and ends of her eternal cycle always heralded great change, from the calming of raging storms to the ebb and flow of ice ages. It is said that when the cryophoenix dies, an era ends; and when she is reborn, a new era begins.

Though Anivia's past lifetimes have faded from her memory, she knows her purpose: she must protect the Freljord at all costs.

When she was last reborn, Anivia witnessed the rise of a mighty and united human tribe. She guarded their lands with pride as they prospered, but such unity could not last forever. The great tribe fractured into three, and after that upheaval, Anivia watched the people of the Freljord become embroiled in battle. As she strove to calm the turmoil tearing her home apart, Anivia began to sense a greater threat: an  ancient evil growing deep within the earth. To her horror, she felt the pure magic of the ice itself become blackened and corrupt. Like blood in water, darkness crept into the Freljord. With her destiny so tied to the power of the land, Anivia knew if such evil took root in her home, that same darkness would find its way into her heart. She could no longer remain a mere guardian - the cryophoenix had to act.

Anivia soon discovered an ally in  Ashe, the Frost Archer. Ashe too believed in unification as an end to the Freljord's perpetual strife, and Anivia offered the tribal leader her aid. Now, with war on the horizon, Anivia prepares to fight for peace, but she knows the inevitable truth of her destiny. One day, evil will rise from the ice, and she must destroy it - no matter the cost.

Anivia is a strong champion that is very tricky to play.  Anyone who doesn't know what they are doing will quickly find themselves dead.  while strong and experienced anivia players will almost never die.  She is one of the best 'punishers' in the game.  She can capitalize on any mistake the enemy makes relativly easily, but is also one of the easiest characters to be punished when they make a mistake.

And that's our Top 20 League of Legends Champs.

Be on the look out of the new Countdown, Top Ten Kit-The-Wolfy OCs. And if you decide to try the Game, keep an eye out for us.

LeonMcCloud, hitting the Jungle with Master Yi.

Regulus58, with Warwick on the top and in the jungle as well.

Vinyl Owl,  Hitting mid with Orianna.

Watarara, Kicking butt with Lee Sin, Twisted Fate, Wukong, or even Our Number one Champ, Anivia, the Cryophoenix.
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